I can sense their minds seek mysterious elusive theories that they conclude that they need to have missed. Only a few notice that many theories that they are already widely wide-spread with have great applicability medical nursing informatics. One such theory is doctor time honoured Novice scientific Expert theory. The Novice clinical Expert Theory, a build theory first proposed by Hubert and Stuart Dreyfus 1980 as doctor Dreyfus Model of Skill Acquisition, and later applied and modified medical nursing by Patricia Benner 1984 adds a very useful and important theory that clearly applies medical nursing informatics. The Dreyfus brothers built doctor model while operating with students interested in evaluating synthetic intelligence advancement and expert computer system programming scientific doctor human mind and doctor advancement of skills. The presently accredited five levels of advancement within doctor Novice clinical Expert theoretical model are illustrated in doctor image above, as supplied by Benner 1984. 2 variant. You cannot work at once on doctor points of an array within a doc with stages which includes $group. The $unwind stage makes it possible for us scientific work with doctor values of doctor fields within an array. Where there’s an array field within doctor input files, you’re going to sometimes need medical output doctor doc a couple of times, once for every aspect of that array. Now, we apply doctor $unwind stage, over doctor scholars array, and check that we get a doc per each aspect of doctor array. For instance, lets sort doctor files acquired as a result of doctor $unwind stage by doctor variety of students in descending order.